When you bathe your birds before a show......


Rosecomb Rich
12 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Norco, CA
Do they normally act completely lifeless afterwards? My cockerel was and then perked up in about 15 min and was fine. I have 3 pullets right now that act like theyve been so traumatized that they are in shock and may die of a heart attack......normal?
well...they seem ok now...i gave them each some nutri-drench for the stress and as soon as i set them down, they perked right up and are now standing instead of laying on their sides.
Whenever I give my Silkies baths, they love it. When I blow dry them, they go to sleep. I think it just takes a few minutes for them to adjust.
ours just stand there like yours do, they don't like baths...we wash them a few days before the show so the feathers have time to smooth back out.
Yeah, they hate it! lol. They get used to it over time, but the first few baths are torture to them! Tamer birds respond less negatively. Keep them tame and they just make a fuss, they won't freak out of their minds. And it is very possible for them to suffer a heart attack in the process, but that's not that common and usually happens with heavy breeds (like Cornish).
I take mine in the shower.
we use three 5 gallon buckets filled 1/2 way with warm water. The first bucket has a little bit of cheer laundry soap, the second has a touch of vinegar and the 3rd is just water. We just dunk up and down in each bucket keeping the head above the water and put them in the basement under a heat lamp to dry.

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