When you trap a predator...how do you dispose?


8 Years
Oct 5, 2011
I have traps being a long time cat Trap/Fix/Release volunteer. And hate the idea of these guys getting my hens. How do you dispatch and dispose of predators that you trap around you coops?

I don't own a gun.

Don't know if I could kill them...could I?
Legal to kill nuisance raccoons is permissible in CA. Just don't know if I could. If I could, how would I do so as I don't own a gun. Ugh. The thought. I think I'm a wimp.
ummmm.... Shouldn't be honest but.....

A coon eats my chickens - we have coon for dinner.
If you really can't do it and don't want to relocate them (to become someone elses problem) try calling the local rescue and explain that coons are killing your chickens and ask if they would like to rehome them instead. The other option is to askaround the local gun/hunting/sporting store and see if there are any trappers (legal, of course) in your area that would take any that you catch. Good luck. There are people around here that would love to have them and would skin and eat them......

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