When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

a stay at home mom.

My mom is disappointed in my aspirations.
At what age?

At 5, I wanted to be a ballerina. As a chubby child, that was not in my future.
At 7, I wanted to be a firefighter. That faded.
At 10, I wanted to be an English teacher.
At 12, I wanted to be a published author.
At 15, I wanted to be a published novelist.
At 17, I wanted to be a good wife.
At 19, I wanted to be divorced.
At 21, I wanted to be a police officer.
At 23, I was a Correctional Officer and still wanted to be a police officer.
At 25, I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher and I wanted to be Director Of Communications someday.
At 28, I was a 9-1-1 supervisor and I wanted to be Director of Communications someday.
At 38, I was a good wife and just wanted a job again, after relocating to another part of the state with my third husband.
At 40, I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for another agency and wanted to be divorced. I also wanted to promote to supervisor.
At 55, I didn't want to be a dispatch supervisor any more, but promote to Telecommunications Systems Analyst II.
At 56, I wanted to keep chickens as a hobby.

When I grow up, I want to continue to keep chickens, ducks and geese as a hobby, and perhaps be a published author.
Me too! Stay at home mom and wife. 20years later I am not dissapointed I made that choice.
For a while I also wanted to be a teacher and a writer. I do need to get back to writing.
I always wanted to be a veterinarian.... but I have a weak stomach, and a low tolerance for gore, so as I matured, I decided that horticulture would be a better avenue! And 14 years later, I'm still at it!! Too bad horticulturists don't get "retirement plans"...LOL. Maybe I should have rethought all that...
The first thing I remember wanting to be was in 5th grade. I wanted to be the first female astronaut.
Next thing I recall, I wanted to be a nurse like Florence Nightingale (I had read a book about her).
Then, I wanted to be a secretary. Next, I aspired to be a teacher. Last thing I remember, in high school, I wanted to be a wife and mother.
Oh geez..... I wanted to be a teacher for quite a few years, then I got to sub in my Aunt's classroom.....neve rmind that idea. Then I thought a real estate agent or broker. Then...a pscychologist (specfically a sex therapist..took a few classes in psych...nope never mind that too), database administrator (that didn't didn't last too long), computer programmer and special ed dual major so I could write computer programs to help special needs kids (took a computer programming class...good idea, but not my kinda thing), financial analyst (took an accounting class...at semester end I understood why accountants have the highest suicide rate of professional careers), maybe a massage therapist...nahh...let's see...what else did I try to study. Always thought being a veterinarian would be awesome (specifically an Ag Vet), but never did like bio much, so the degree to get into vet school was never of interest.

Finally after years of trying to figure it out, I became a Hydrogeologist. LOVE it!! Equally as much as I would have loved being an Ag Vet, but with hydrogeology I actually enjoyed all of my classes as well.
You forgot mammal.

a reptile is just as fulfilling imo

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