When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Great one! That's one I haven't heard before, that's pretty cool, PK.

I was bummed out too, until I discovered that people can be rich and famous, which was when I started aspiring to be a gold-medal winning Olympic athlete.
Then I thought it might be interesting to be a check-out attendant and collect everyone's money. I thought the attendant actually got to keep that money.

Now? I'm not sure. Maybe an engineer, or an airline pilot, or a stockbroker, or a banker...
My dream of photography lies in the past too - photographing monuments and relics from yesteryear.

I love photographing old things, especially architecture and yes, even old cemeteries, etc. I just love historical things, it fascinates me. Not sure why.
When I was really little, I wanted to be a gymnast. Nope, too tall.
I'm pretty sure I want to be a teacher, and am 100000% sure I want to be a mom.
It's interesting to see how what we want and what we get changes with time.

As a child I wanted to be a veterinarian (I noticed several people said that).
As a young adult I dreamed to be rich and famous.
And now, as a mature adult I just want to have a safe home and be a good mother.
A teacher? That'll suit you. I can see you as a teacher.

I scare kids, and I am a really bad people person.
My teachers all say I'm surprisingly bright, but I only get along with weird people and people read my emotions wrong all the time.

I'm scared to think what'll happen if I ever have a kid.
Oh, these are great.

I wanted to be an artist, a singer and an actress. A little later I wanted to be a fashion designer, but was told I'd have to sew...which I hate.

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