When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a teacher until I was a senior in HS and while student teaching for extra credit at a local elementary school for the 3rd year, I got caught up in a lice infestation. I walked out and never went back.

Then I just wanted to make my way in life and be responsible. I did and retired at 48.
Marine Biologist. I was studying it until it became necessary for me to quit. After that I kinda fell into what I do now, only I started as an employee, then manager, then partner, and now I own my own business. It's true what they say, do something you love and it will never feel like work.
I wanted to be a teacher and work on an Indian Reservation in Arizona. I still have a copy of the paragraph I wrote in the 2nd grade that says that, lol. I went to Arizona to go to school (ASU Alum!) and worked on the Yavapi Rez that had the National Park Service Information center located on their property. I worked in their campground as well, cleaning the bathhouse in exchange for a place to put put my tent/home and dog. Last I heard the old info center is now a casino, lol.

I at one time thought I would run an outdoor education program that worked with juvenile offenders. I believed that they could be rehabilitated. I have a BS in Recreation (not PE) and at one time worked for a program called Vision Quest that has wildeness camps, wagon trains and a couple of tall ships. After working in Alternative Ed down here away from the big cities of the North East, my thoughts of rehabilitation have changed. The old time gangs of the New York, Philly, Pittsburgh and even the ones I've met from LA and AZ, are not nearly as scary as these wannabe gangbangers. These ones are down right whacked!!! Today 1 of my former students was given life in prison without parole for killing 2 other former students. 3 more were arrested on other various charges. 6 students in 12 years have been on America's Most Wanted, can't remember how many have been on Charlotte's most wanted, each week I see them on the police blotter over and over again. Either that or the Obits.

Sometimes I'm glad don't work anymore.
Well, I'm still working on the growing up part. Can't ya tell?
But once upon a time I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. Came pretty close, but didn't quite make it-- turns out that was good enough. The key is to work at something you like where you can make a difference.
I wanted to be either an Air Force jet pilot or a veterinarian. Females weren't allowed to fly at that time. I actually made it through the first 5 years of veterinary schooling, then got pregnant with my oldest daughter. DH was military & away alot...I couldn't keep up with classes & baby alone...so now I'm a Vet Tech.
First I wanted to be a vetrinarian, then president, then in my teens, I thought maybe a wildlife biologist. What did I do? I've worked in accounting and am now a stay-at-home mom (that still does a little accounting for hubby's business). Love being at home! I, also, wanted my parents to change my name to Rebecca (mine name is Courtney). And I was only to be called Rebecca, not Becky. So silly! Well, of course, they thought I was ridiculous! So Courtney, I am. I don't mind my name now.
I wanted to be an artist.. but I guess that is not something you become, when it's something you already are. I just wanted to make money at it!

But then again, I never intend to grow up either!
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For me, it was a drug/alchohol rehab counselor, or a neuroscientist.

I ended up being Tooling mgr, safety coord, ISO auditor, Cust Svc. girl at the company I have been with for 17 years, and yes, all of those titles are my daily job.

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