Where are all my chickens???? PIC.


11 Years
May 23, 2008
Williamsport In.
Here is the cabin coop on x-mas morning. When I went out to feed and water no one wanted to go outside... The peacocks stayed up in loft and tom turkey and bachelor roos did not want to come out onto porch. A pr. of sebby geese did not even peek out! The banties will not come out in pens so I don't bother opening the drop doors. I normally keep the loft door open since it is screened in. The peacocks will hang out there in the sun and watch the yard activity... If anyone has peas they know the strange sounds they make. Nothing like walking thru the yard and hearing them call out to you!
Notice the one sad pumpkin left on the porch! I actually crack them open on a rock and feed them to my critters. To the far left is the call duck pen and they have playhouse and pond. I let them out everyday and they stay in pond most of day since it is heated.

I LOVE your coop!! Can you post a pic with all your poultry out around the coop? I'd love to see your peacocks, ducks, etc.
I screened in the loft door and open it during the day. It makes great ventilation.. The loft is good for the peacocks. They hang out up there when not eating or drinking down in the cabin. I sectioned back half of cabin off with metal pens and let banty chickens out in covered pens on each side. Bigger birds and a tom turkey and pr. of sebby geese have front half of cabin and come out onto porch and into the yard. This cabin is 12 ft. by 30 ft. and was built by the Amish and is made for a vacation home or lake front summer cabin. I really like it.

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