Where Can I Get 2 Young Cockerels?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 11, 2014
I currently have 24 chicks. All of them are pullets with the exception of 4 Bantam Silkies that were purchased straight run.
I would like to add 2 young cockerels to the flock that I am raising. Unfortunately, most places here only sell pullets and I don't want to have to order a minimum of 15 chicks online in order to get these males.

Any suggestions? I've contacted one local hatchery but I haven't heard back yet.

I've looked on craigslist - there are very few postings of available cockerels. Plenty of pullets though.
I also want to be careful not to drag disease back to my place and my chickens in an effort to get these cockerels.
I always buy adults (so I know exactly what I get) I keep them separated for a week to see if they have anything, they I let everyone meet each other though a fence or in a crate then 2-3 weeks later everyone is a happy family (except for the newest guy. The silkie cockerel I bought at a show had a tough time being excepted only one of the other roosters wanted him the girls were bullies, but now with warm weather they are getting along fine)
Have you tried posting in the "For Sale/Wanted" section here on BYC? Cockerals are pretty easy to find unless you're looking for a particular breed or a show quality bird...also check the "Free" postings here....good luck!
I'll probably have some from the batch of 17 I picked up from a breeder a week ago, but won't know for a few more weeks, but not sure how far from Ohio you are so that might not be of much help...
Thank you for the replies.

Basil, the procedure you use to introduce slightly older cockerels makes sense. I am not against getting older males but if I do, I think I will wait until after I have moved the current chick population outside with the older flock. I don't want to introduce just two young males to my older rooster and 3 hens because I'm not sure how smoothly that will go. Conversely, if I find some cockerels between 1 and 3 weeks old, there are brooders that I can put them in after a short period of separation. Idk, my instincts on that could be totally wrong. lol

Delco, I will go look for the free and for sale/trade pages that you brought up. I'm still figuring out where everything is here.
Unfortunately, I am in NC and OH is quite a ways away. I appreciate your offer though.
Put an ad on craigslist that youre looking for or wanting to buy a couple cockerels. Im sure someone would contact you with some.
Eight to twelve weeks after chick days at TSC begins, there will be a ton of young cockerels desperately seeking homes because their owner lives where roosters aren't permitted or they can only keep one of the many they got in a straight run batch. Every year, Craigslist is flooded with them. It's just a couple weeks early yet. ;)

Oh, and don't forget the local boards here in the social section. Breeders always have more roosters than they need.
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I've looked on craigslist - there are very few postings of available cockerels. Plenty of pullets though.
I also want to be careful not to drag disease back to my place and my chickens in an effort to get these cockerels.

wow, really! where do you live if I may ask??
I am always posting cockerels on craigslist LOL!
they do sell, but very slowly... wish I could give you a couple of mine!

I live near Portland, OR and I have multiple blue laced red wyandotte cockerels who will need re-homing in the next month or two.
the splash and black cockerels can be re-homed asap;
the blue cockerels will be evaluated first, available a little later.
if you are ever in Oregon send me a PM!
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