Where can I get hatching eggs?


For nothing will be impossible with God-Luke 1:37
Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2021
I am looking for places I can get hatching eggs for next year. I am just looking right now. The breeds that I want are Blue laced red Wyandotte, or Silkies. Does anyone know of a place I can get them?
I have found the Meyer hatchery does it. Will they be okay being shipped from Ohio to Wisconsin
Possibly. Shipped eggs are *ALWAYS* a risk. Plus I've noticed the commercial hatcheries like Meyers will sell eggs far more expensive than chicks, not to mention you're usually lucky to get 50% to hatch. Often by the time you hatch eggs from a commercial hetchery, you've paid 3 or 4 times the price of a chick

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