Where do I inject tylan50 into my turkey?

Dont inject it just shoot it down his throat. 1cc per 10lbs body weight twice a day for a week. Take the needle off the syringe body after you extract teh tylan and shoot it down his throat. If you inject do it like behind the wing just under the skin but it is not recommended to inject into muscle because it can cause muscle damage.
Ok I will but when I went up to my barn to give him the Tylan he was breathing wierd like you could hear a garrgle sound is that normal? And the swelling is still the same but it's only the second night
I usually use two needles, one I use (like an 18 guage) to suck the gunk out of the sinus, then I use a clean needle to draw the Tylan and inject right into the sinus.

Editing to add that it does sound like a respiratory infection, Tylan usually works really good for that. Like Jason11 said, don't inject into the muscle, it can cause permanent damage.
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I stick it right into the area that is swollen. If your turkey looks like the 'cheek' area is swollen, that is the sinus.
I inject Tylan beneath the skin not into the muscle . The breathing sound you were hearing was a (wet) sound . Sinuses or a respiratory infection . AS others have said Tylan is the best for that .
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