Where do I inject tylan50 into my turkey?

Do the calculations that jason gave you in an above post 1cc per 10pounds 2x a day , every time you inject use a different site on the breast , I have used Tylan 50 many times on my pigeons and I give it for 3 days in a row . You can kinda tug at a couple of feathers and that will give you better separation between the skin and muscle . If you need to know or have any more questions just let me know , hey , it's really easy to do and personally it works faster doing it this way .

Do it for at least 5 or 6 days , sorry wasn't thinking pigeons are smaller and require less dosing days . Do exactly as jason said as far as amount , daily doses and days , okay ?
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I have never tried the oral method...

If the stuff in the sinus is hard, it might need to be cut out. I don't know if you want to attempt this or not. If you do, let me know and I will try to find the post where Yoda did it on peafowl. He was kind enough to post some excellent pictures of the procedure.
If he can get it over the hump with the infection , then yes you are right , it may need to be cut out since has become hardened . I do think he needs to medicate it though .
I also wanted to mention that there is a chance that the respiratory issue could be secondary to a virus like Mycoplasmosis. You would be treating the secondary infection, not the virus itself. (Basically a case of treating the symptoms). The only way to know if it's a virus would be to have your turkey tested. If it does have one, it will remain a carrier and could infect other birds. Mycoplasmosis can also be passed down through the egg, and poults hatched could have it. If you aren't planning to sell turkeys it isn't that big of a deal, the only way to get rid of the virus would be to depopulate and start over with certified clean stock. I am not saying that your turkey has Mycoplasmosis or something else like Avian Influenza, I just wanted to let you know that the possibility is there.

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