Where do you get them?

You need a coop, or some kind of structure to keep the rain, snow and wind off of them in winter. If you do that, they'll be just fine. Keeping an animal dry and out of the wind is key.
A fully enclosed run attached to the coop is also helpful... there are various reasons that your Guineas may eventually need to be kept locked up for extended periods of time (like snow/bad weather, predators, keeping them out of a freshly started garden, roaming too far or bothering your neighbors etc)... so having the additional space for them when/if the birds can't free range will help keep the birds (and you) a lot happier. The run is also helpful when you first start working on training the birds to go into the coop each night... you can work on herding them all in from an enclosed space instead of dealing with flighty, scattered birds. Helps the training go A LOT smoother.

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