Where do you get your poly bags and what size do you use?


10 Years
Jan 28, 2009
Geronimo Oklahoma
I'm not really interested in shrink bags right now. Seems like added work to an already involved process. So, we are going with poly bags, instead.

I'm wondering if anyone uses poly bags for their broilers, roasters, and/or turkeys. If so, what size do you use for each and from where do you order them?

And what is your typical cost?

Thanks in advance.
We use their bags. The broiler bags are nice and customers love them. The turkey bags, the BIG turkey bags have a tendency to tear out at the bottom. Dropped a couple of turkeys last fall and a giant ham. GIANT.

I really prefer the rings over using zip ties too...both for customer appearance and simplicity on processing day.
I would also add, there is a pic on this page that shows capped 3/4 PVC maybe 12" tall in a 2x4.

This is worth building and will speed up your packaging process.

Also, I have used Cornerstone's customer service. I needed only a few things and the online shopping cart doesn't handle that well. I called in, they fixed my order and sent my order in an envelope saving me a few bucks. Great people.
Okay, to update...

I actually ended up ordering a case (1,000) of the 10x16 two mil bags from this place:


Came to $66, or 6.6 cents a bag, less than half of Cornerstone. Ships today and arrives Monday.

Now, how do you go about closing the top? I think someone referred to some sort of stapler or something, but I forgot who, what, and where.

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