Where do you inject Tylan 50 into a chicken?

I'm not positive how to treat for MG. But in general terms, an injection into the breast will move through the system faster than subcutaneous injection under the skin on the back. If injecting in the breast, switch breast sides each injection because it will get sore.
I would give it to a small chicken or bantam orally (remove the needle from the syringe.) If injected, it is meant to be injected into the breast muscle, but that is a small chicken. Give 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) to a bantam 2-3 times a day for 3 to 5 days. There is an oral tylan soluble powder for the water, but is only available from a vet through a prescription.
I'm not positive how to treat for MG. But in general terms, an injection into the breast will move through the system faster than subcutaneous injection under the skin on the back. If injecting in the breast, switch breast sides each injection because it will get sore.

So it would be fine for 2 month old chickens?
As long as the dosage is correct for the weight of the bird.. Are you injecting sebrights?

No sadly my last sebright got killed (I just love the breed so much I made it my username). Anyways, they are many different types of breeds such as New Hampshire Reds, EE's, Leghorns, Deleware, Jersey Giant, Orpingtons, Brahmas, Wyandottes, Mixed breeds, but no bantams. They are still small most of them are about a little bigger than what a bantam looks like if that makes sense.
The dosage is 0.2 ml per pound of weight 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days. I’m sorry, I posted the dosage for a sebright earlier. In smaller birds it is safer to give it orally. Tylan has been known to cause muscle damage at the injection site, so unless a bird was dying, I would give it orally. I also would only medicate birds showing signs of illness.
The dosage is 0.2 ml per pound of weight 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days. I’m sorry, I posted the dosage for a sebright earlier. In smaller birds it is safer to give it orally. Tylan has been known to cause muscle damage at the injection site, so unless a bird was dying, I would give it orally. I also would only medicate birds showing signs of illness.

So don't use needle just give it to them orally?
You need the needle to withdraw the medicine from the vial, then remove it and give the medicine orally a few drops at a time. Pull down the wattles, give a few drops to 1/4 ml, release the wattles so they can swallow, then repeat.

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