Where do you land?

Where did you land?

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You mean like the Reverend Jim Jones and his community. Or are you referring to those African tribes a prior poster was talking about. Or maybe the communities in Salem that burned witches.

You proved bad things happen every now an then ether way. Salem witch trials were held under government law. Im not getting in to Jones Town, this is not the place for that.

They waste way too much money on defense.

Nope I think every dime they get should go to defense. Thats what there job should be. Most everything else would come along privately or threw local citizen groups. Take Fire an EMS services. There is no law that requires it but the country is covered with volunteers that do the job.​

Another thread going way off tangent. Wish we had an ignore thread button.
Nope I think every dime they get should go to defense. Thats what there job should be. Most everything else would come along privately or threw local citizen groups. Take Fire an EMS services. There is no law that requires it but the country is covered with volunteers that do the job.

And there's an irony IMO... what is it something like 190 MILLION per DAY we're spending in Afghanistan but we can't manage to secure our borders? People, even known terrorists, who are on the No Fly List can't fly into the country but they can walk or drive in... It's like going over to help your neighbor herd their cows and leaving your own barn door wide open... and then wondering how a bobcat waltzed right in ... and then figuring that he's already in there so we may as well leave him alone AND leave the door open... boggles the mind some days.

I'm with Q9... your rights end when they step on mine... that's why theft is wrong, why rape is wrong, etc... sure you have the right to BUY a TV, and to bed the partner of your choice... but then so do I... unfortunately criminals just do not see it that way at all... then again, neither do tyrants... they have all the rights and power and can enforce their will on anyone, any time... that doesn't work for me thus I've got no problem with a police force being on hand to make sure they don't cross the line or that if they do they're punished for it.

But our justice system is a joke... we're so caught up in making sure no innocent gets punished (a worthy goal to be sure) that we accept the guilty walking free right along with the innocent... that is a scary freaking thought, and sadly that is not just a movie theme... that's the reality of our courts. But the only way to change it is to risk the innocent being punished unjustly... so a catch-22... problem with human systems is that humans aren't perfect thus no system designed by humans will ever be perfect. Fewer and fewer innocents are being punished, especially with all the new technology, but thanks to the loopholes, rampant (unpunished) perjury, heck just the way our system is set up... two sides saying opposite things and flip a coin on which is right... fact is that one side IS lying... maybe not on purpose, circumstantial evidence points to... but still, their job is to get up there and say whatever they have to get get that coin to flip their way. It's becoming more and more rare for evidence to actually matter... it's boiling down to human emotions/opinions and the lawyers being able to capitalize on them... and that resembles a lynch mob all too well... facts don't matter, just listen to me while I rile you up... only difference is they aren't doing the actual lynching, they leave that to others. A mess, it's a mess. And this has become a ramble... so off to check my Janie topic.
I think humans naturally form governments...a king, a priestess, a ruling council, whatever; they all are governments, some smaller, some larger. When most people say they don't want any government, they forget about roads, schools, streetlights, parks, cemeteries, hospitals, foster care, CPS, the police, fire service etc.

Personally I see myself as socially liberal and fiscally conservative; but I can't seem to find anyone who thinks that you can't spend more than you take in. In my my mind tax and spend makes more sense than cut taxes and spend 'cause you can't spend money you don't have...JMHO.
I think I heard if you upgrade your membership you can do that....or at least certain posters.
mom'sfolly :

'cause you can't spend money you don't have...JMHO.

Sad part is that you CAN. It's been running amock, not only at the government level but also the personal, for decades. And now the house of cards is wobbling. All these mortgages, credit cards, foreclosures and repossessions... it's not just the big bad government that's been doing that but individuals too. And since our government is made up of elected individuals it's not really any surprise to see that the trend has continued into the national (and state) budget.

Also the fact that many of those elected officials don't have a clue what it's like to live on less than $100,000++++ per year makes it hard for them to really grasp what's going on in our country. Many have never had to think about living within their means so they just don't know how to.

The trend can be reversed, but it's going to take a change in attitude on our parts... spreading and spreading until it finally encompasses the country as a whole... just like slavery being outlawed, women getting the vote, etc etc... people have to adjust their thinking, and then start voting based on that altered attitude and eventually the change will happen... but it takes time and IMO quite a bit of strength to look at yourself and alter your way of life... I have faith in us, that we'll get there... which is why I don't feel that voting for a Libertarian candidate (if I actually like them) is wasting my vote and why I'll keep voting based on my beliefs, not based on hot air or hot button prattle.
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