Where does your Rooster sleep?



In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 14, 2013
About a month ago my rooster (P-Diddy) was put in time out for a week due to being aggressive. He's behaving much better but hasn't gone back in the coop since. I was fine with that since it gives the hens a break but was surprised as I'd expected him to want back in their coop. However, the place P-Diddy is staying isn't going to be suitable in cold weather so it seems I'll need to build him his own coop. If he had his way, he'd sleep on top of the coop. When all the hens go in he immediately gets up there until we put him away.
So, this made me curious, where do your roosters sleep? With or separate from the hens? If separate, is it higher than the hens coop?
Our rooster Fred is currently out of the coop. I only have 6 hens in there & hes way too rough with only having that many girls. So hes out. He sleeps right on top of the coop too. IN fact, we have 4 young roos, that is also where they prefer to sleep, lol
Coop 1 and 2 the Roo sleeps as high as he can get inside the coop with favs of course at their sides. Coop 3 is all Roo's/cocks They used to sleep on top[ of the coop, but got tired of me putting them inside after dark. I have owls very close by, outside is not an option! Coop 4 under construction. I was in 1 last night with no light and the Roo growled at me, but was fine when I told him it was me, he is very protective over his hens! Late one night a possum came into the coop and he had all the girls up near the house squawking (he is very loud and proud) until I got up and went out and killed the predator. Turn the lights on, he went in and done his inspection, called the girls back to the roost, lights out. Now they expect him to inspect the coop each night before they go in,,,,
mine sleep in the laundry in cat cages because my neighbours don't like the crowing, the boys dont mind they are used to it

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