where is a good place to get turkeys from come spring


12 Years
Nov 5, 2010
cookeville, tn
I want to get a few turkeys this spring. They will be for eating but I like white meat so birds with lots of white meat would be good. I dont especially want white turkeys jusy cuz. What kind of turk would you get and where is a good place to get them.
If they're just for eating and you want lots of white meat but not a white bird your best bet is a broad breasted bronze. Those are some BIG birds though and take a LOT of food to get to processing size so be prepared for that aspect.
If I get some in Spring they are coming from Steve-I've been waiting a year to get some of his eggs:) Just havent been brave enough yet and Im feeling mighty strong since I handle my two faily well this year:)
Just let us know when you are ready

not to be smart but i always head to the woods with a shotgun and a call to get my turkeys, but would like to raise a few for my self
Just let us know when you are ready


how soon do you expect to have some? I want to keep that round about time open so if a Broody pops up she's getting those eggs :)
The Midgets and Beltsvilles usually start around Christmas, then the Hollands, followed by the Bourbons and Palms and the Bronze are always last. It's probably going to be more of a temp thing for you being in NY. Eggs can freeze in transit.


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