Where is everyone???

I'm on a little less even though I dont log off
I'm outside more now. I think the nice weather and actually seeing sunshine has pulled a few of us off our hineys and outside.

How are you liking your part time job? I've been thinking about getting one just to get out of the house a little more.
I like working part time. I couldn't wait tables full time...been there done that and hated it. It's good to get out of the house. My favorite part timer is dog walking! I love animals so that helps a lot. I had a month long contract with someone while she was in Spain, my last day walking her 2 dogs was yesterday. I miss her dogs already.
My ankle is doing better and I got new boots that give it more support. Our snow is gone. So it is time to get back to work outside. I still work inside a lot too though.

I just got my novel back out last week and started work on it again:yiipchick

Trying to figure out how to start a dog cookie business and how to get financing for a portable climbing wall.

I always wanted to start a dog cookie business too. I think that would be fun...I certainly have two willing participants that would do taste testing and quality control.
It has been SO beautiful here so I am outside cleaning up my backyard.

We are also working on our house remodel again so that keeps me busy as well. Soon, it will be ready for me to insulate and then the sheetrock. I get to tape and mud after that. DH says I do it better then him. I have to admit I do
he is always telling me it is because I am Portuguese....

It is a running joke in our household.

Personally, I think he is just jealous because it is something he can not say he can do better then me.
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I wish I could say I was out side "WE STILL HAVE SNOW"

I have been very busy with many family matters.
good & Bad

Had a new gandson :)

Son left to Afganistan :-(

Sisters both moving into new homes :)

Brother haveing Back Surgury :-(

Cold/flu and other illnesses going threw the house :-(

Just one of those things, I really am trying to get myself together.
I've been around, but I have noticed it's a bit slower around here than normal. I have Spring break next week, so I doubt I will be on too much, if at all.

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