Where is this pic?????


12 Years
Oct 1, 2007
Ophir, CA
I just got lavender orps and have been feasting on all the beautiful pics here. My olded daughter stopped by today and I wanted to show her this one pic... it had a lavender hen facing right bending down eating grass. It had the most beautiful lacing on it and it was soooo lavender.... please help me find this pic!!!!
Oh please... does someone know where this pic is... I know I didn't dream it.. and can't find it anywhere...
I have seen it too! But I have no clue where I saw it. This place is huge with a bazillion pictures. BIG help aren't I??
That would be neat. But would still be a ton to wade through....
I'm bored, so I'll search a little for ya and see if I can stumble across it again by chance.
I know, I find the search function lacking, maybe I just don't use it right. I try the 'and' but get all sorts of findings, and the pic you want could easily be in the middle of the Orp threads of 12000000 posts. Good luck. I do love one pic on here and I can still find it. Search for PINK and SHOW and GIRL and FAIR and the wildest pic ever is there. A cool, totally pink Show Girl Roo in a cage.

Sorry, but, Bump!

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