Where is this "Vent?"


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
Ok so ive seen alot of people say that you can tell if your chickens close to laying or not by checking its vent.. Where the heck is it? All I see is a bunch of feathers, and I dont really want to poke my finger around.. Any help with this? A diagram link would be great.. Kinda wierd, maybe instead of peeping I should just be more patient
I believe that most pullets would purposely delay laying their first egg if you were to mess around poking at their undergarments in order to see their privates.
Hmmm...do you watch your chickens often? If so, next time you see them poop, that comes from the vent.

Is that helpful at all?
You could always follow her around, and wait til she poops, then you'll have the general area of where her vent is.

Personally I'd rather look for the redness of her comb and wattles and watch for her behavior for egg laying. The vent is where everything comes out
Umm... it's the chicken heinie.
If you seperate the feathers on the chicken rump you will see the vent. You'll want to try this with a very cooperative chicken. Mine generally give me a look that says "Hellooooo. Personal space back there! Hands off lady!".
This gave me a good chuckle, my hens prefer their privacy and will not lay until I exit the coop.. Good luck on venting!
yea thats why ive been wary, you know not holding the chicken at eye level, no poking, honestly not sure how I feel about looking in the first place. I live in the city, I am NO farmer.. The combs and waddles are red, and my black thinks im a roo and squats anytime I walk near her.. just getting impatient. I tried to take a peek, but without really getting in there, I dont think I'll see much.. It seemed from all the reading that it was a simple thing to check, like push a feather over and Walla!!, but nope.. I guess I'll just wait it out. Maybe I should put the pot infront of their pen for motivation.

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