Where should I look into getting the most healthy chickens?


Mar 15, 2018
New England
I'm looking into getting chickens. I know that it is possible to get them online but will they be healthy? Should I get them from a breeder? I'm looking for chickens not chicks and am open to every breed. If you have experience in getting chickens your advice will be appreciated.
- Arla :hmm
Maybe local feed stores, but sometimes they aren't very healthy. Also heard many hatcheries such as Meyer Hatchery, McMurray Hatchery, etc have had good reviews but I've never gotten any chickens from them. Sorry I wasn't much help :hmm
I'm looking into getting chickens. I know that it is possible to get them online but will they be healthy? Should I get them from a breeder? I'm looking for chickens not chicks and am open to every breed. If you have experience in getting chickens your advice will be appreciated.
- Arla :hmm

I got our first chicks from the local feed store. They also sell full grown hens. We’ve gotten 5 chicks from the feed store and bought 7 online.

Idk where you’re located but if your near Alvin, Texas. I have 2 roosters that need a home. 1 Rhode Island Red and 1 Light Brahma.
Larger hatcheries will sell pullets (females almost ready to lay). Otherwise, find out if there are animal auction house near you, because these are a good way to have a large selection. Next, look on craig's list or ebay (but I'm guessing could have a good or bad experience) but might find someone needing to get rid of their chickens - maybe they live in town and are not allowed to have chickens and were reported so need to get rid of their flock. And if you want the NPIP option, then you can search their website by state to see who is NPIP certified, and it lists the addresses of each place. NPIP even lists what breeds they are certified for with a code (and the breed code list is in a separate link on their website). Of course, NPIP is optional, and so you will only get a list of those breeders and hatcheries that opted to take the time to get NPIP certified, but this should ensure a higher likelihood of healthy stock. Lastly, I know lots of people whose farm website is really just a fb page, so you might try a few fb searched for nearby areas to you and see what pops up - might be simple.

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