Where the magic happens


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
I was thinking the other evening as we drove through a neighborhood in Metro DC. House after house with lights on and you could see people through the windows. I wondered what they do in those houses. More importantly when people ride by my house they have no clue the crazy lady that lives there is bent over an incubator whistling and talking to eggs that will sometimes peep back at her.

I thought it would be fun for all of use hatchers to show where the magic happens.

My son's bedroom is the room in my house with the most stable temps. It recieves daylight and sun shine from morning to night. It is also the room with the least traffic. It is a quiet peaceful room in shades of green with white trim. It has comfortable twin beds to nap on and wait for eggs to pip and hatch, too.

This is a photo from this morning of all of my 1588's going. The temp brooder for the goslings and my 'photo studio'.


This is my box of supplies that I keep close at hand when I have eggs going.


Papertowels, cups for warm water, syringe, pin for pipping if needed, tweezers, bleach for disinfecting, liquid soap for washing up, spare water wigglers, extra batteries for thermometers, etc.


2 flashlights for candling and a spritzing bottle for the goose eggs.

Show me where your magic happens.
Mine is not nearly as nice as yours. I keep mine in the basement, the most even temperature is down there believe it or not. In the drawer I keep many of the supplies that you show, extra batteries, wigglers, sponges, etc..

You've got quite the set-up MissPrissy! I just have a bator sitting on the counter with lots of stuff scattered all around it. I hope to get a more efficient setup for my next hatch.
lol at the photo studio
Cyn and coffeegirl - where are the photos? We want to see the magic mystery places that house boxes at your house that change plain old eggs into chicks! (or geese and ducks, too!)

Some have seen where the magic happens in my home, but I'll post its pic again.....It's my kitchen, where early mornings begin with a cup of coffee, lots of sunshine and talking to the eggs....
I'm a newbie to incubating. I have my Brower in the basement, since it has stable temps. I thought it would also have higher humidity but that isn't proving to be true


Close up view

My first hatch starts Friday, although a test egg (mutt) may hatch out today or tomorrow...
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My Hova-Station is diagonally across the room from where I sit at the computer on a weird box-like thing that juts into the room that makes headroom in the basement stairwell. Not fancy, but accessible. My projector/candler sits to the right of the bator.

Right outside the door to this room, sits my Fridge-a-Bator on a coffee table we dont really use, so the bators are really just about 6 ft apart.

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