Where to buy Marek's Vaccine?

Thanks FrenchToast! I ordered the vaccine on Tuesday from Twin Cities Poultry Supply and the vaccine is supposed to arrvie any time. I was really surprised how much less it cost there vs First State or Jeffers.

All I had to pay for was the vaccine $18.95 and shipping $6.95 and didn't have to buy a cooler or anything. We will see when the vaccine gets here how satisfied I am but on a prelim cost assessment so far I am pleased.

My vet said better late than never on the vaccines!
I paid $43.20 for the Marek's vaccine throught First State for just five birds! While wicked expensive through him, he was the only supplier who had it back in February and he was very helpful when I spoke to him. He recommended cutting the wafer into quarters (instructions on his website) and I have used it since. It'll stay good in the fridge until it's expiration date (about a year). I had chicks that were 2 weeks old and 3 months old when I vaccinated them and from what I've read in various places, as long as the chickens haven't been exposed to Mareck's (ie: been outside where other birds are or with other chickens) then it's never too late to vaccinate them. The guy at First State said there's no harm in giving it to older birds and I figure the harm in NOT being vaccinated far outweighs any expense in vaccinating them.

Here are the chickens that were my first vaccine-ees:

My Cochin Frizzles: Monica, Rachel & Phoebe:

My BR/EE babies, Soupy & Rosie:
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I found this thread in my search for the Marek's vaccine. I did 15 chicks last year and have some now that are in the process of hatching. I went to Twin Cities and found the vaccine and picked up some grow gell while I was there. Nice place. I like not having to pay a fortune for packaging and having to pay extra shipping on top of that. I miss Jeffers having it.
If you buy your chicks from a feed store it's safe to assume they haven't been vaccinated. It's an extra expence for the store and not everyone wants it done. Ask where you purchase them. They can tell you.
I like their website but to get the Marek's vaccine would have cost me nearly $50. The vaccine itself was $19, the express shipping was $10.50, and the cold pack packaging was also an added expense. I'll only have a dozen or so chicks to vaccinate. For $30 I get the vaccine, shipping, cold-packing, and some grow gell that I added to the list. It's a great site but I wanted the vaccine sooner than they would have shipped it.
I like their website but to get the Marek's vaccine would have cost me nearly $50. The vaccine itself was $19, the express shipping was $10.50, and the cold pack packaging was also an added expense. I'll only have a dozen or so chicks to vaccinate. For $30 I get the vaccine, shipping, cold-packing, and some grow gell that I added to the list. It's a great site but I wanted the vaccine sooner than they would have shipped it.

I hear you. To be honest... I don't use them for Merek's... I don't vaccinate for Merek's... I go to them for Newcastle-Bronchitis.. $8 for 1000 doses. I have about 120 chickens/chicks right now and still growing...so it's worth it. I can see where that is a big bite for someone who only has a few birds.
I like their website but to get the Marek's vaccine would have cost me nearly $50. The vaccine itself was $19, the express shipping was $10.50, and the cold pack packaging was also an added expense. I'll only have a dozen or so chicks to vaccinate. For $30 I get the vaccine, shipping, cold-packing, and some grow gell that I added to the list. It's a great site but I wanted the vaccine sooner than they would have shipped it.

I bought from First State as well but I purchased 3 vials right away. I only had 18 chicks to vaccinate but I cut the wafer in quarters (I took a long sterile needle and reached into the vial with it and scored the wafer) (The wafer is biger than the opening of the vial)
I since used another quarter for 12 more chicks and I have two baters full of more due to hatch at the end of this week.
So by buying three vials right away I at least cut the price down considerably by only having to pay for one cooler and one shipping charge.

I know myself, I wouldn't stop at just one batch of chicks. Plus I now have 3 huvabators so they need to earn their keep too !!!

I haven't checked recently but I would think Jeffers would have the vaccine by now hey?

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