Where to buy organic feed in Nova Scotia, Canada?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 10, 2014
Hi, I just got 4 golden comets this summer who have been on organic layer mash. They just started producing beautiful eggs, but the place that had the organic layer mash cannot get any more in stock. I am at a loss here as I cannot find any in my area and the closest place to buy organic feed is 5hrs away. I can have it shipped, but it will cost me double the price. If I have to do it until my local farmers market can get some more I guess I will. If anyone is from my area does anyone know any other local organic feed suppliers please send along. I am also thinking it might be better if I make my own, but I am also limited on organic bulk grains where I am as well. I am quite disheartened over this because I was hoping that I would be able to keep my chickens on an organic diet. I only eat organic foods, so if I have to start feeding my chickens non-organic then I will not eat my own chickens eggs :(

Disappointed in NS :(
You're not better off making your own feed - chicken diets are a mix of grains (which you can do), but also several vitamin supplements, and a general "Chicken nutrient mix." There's a lot of science that goes into designing them.

This is one of the perils of the organic movement - people refusing to eat perfectly healthy foods because they're not organic (because of cost or availability of organic foods). Your eggs will be perfectly safe, and much better than organic store bough eggs, on non-organic food.
I am a Holistic Nutritionist, so I choose to eat the way I teach. As I understand other people's views I want to ensure that what I feed my animals especially the ones that produce my food has not been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides as this will absolutely effect the nutrition of my eggs. Not to mention I want to encourage living sustainably and environmentally.
As I understand other people's views I want to ensure that what I feed my animals especially the ones that produce my food has not been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides as this will absolutely effect the nutrition of my eggs.
Then USDA certified Organic isn't what you want, because it's almost all sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. (they're just 'natural' or 'approved for organic use' when there's not a natural alternative).

Here's the list of USDA approved organic pesticides:
Here's the candadian list:

My favorite are the synthetics that basically say "Can only be used if needed" or "Can only be used if organic is commercially unavailable/overly costly"

If you want no pesticides you need to grow everything yourself.

This place has pre-mixes, which are what you mix in with grains to make actual chicken food. You haven't said where in NS you are, so I have no idea how close they actually are.
Agreed, I have previously read the Canadian list and it's not 100% non-synthetic in both Canada and US, but it still is better than the alternative. The less toxic material I put in my body the less my liver has to handle. I am never going to be 100% free from all toxins I get that, but I will try my best to limit the amount I get. I totally agree with growing my own foods and I do. Living in Canada is harder because we have winter so I cannot grow all year round. We do what we can and that is the best we can do.

I checked out Pinnacle Farms, but they do not look to be in my area which get me back to where I am again. The closest to me is 5hrs away and they are reasonably priced, but the cost of shipment is the biggest issue.

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