Where To Check Temp in Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco


Sunny Side Up
6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
Hi guys!

I'm getting ready to try out our incubator (brinsea octagon 20 eco) for the first time and I wanted to make sure the temp is correct. Where should I check the temperature in this particular incubator? The thermometer that comes with it is mounted at the top. Is this the one I should go by or should I place one at egg level? Thanks :)
I would trust the Brinsea one you have in there. They design the incubators so that you get a correct reading from where they have placed the thermometer. All to do with air flow etc. I have the octagon 20 advance and trust it completely never had a bad hatch with it. Good luck with your incubation :fl
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I've done a few successful hatches in my Brinsea and I left the thermometer where they placed it. It is fine where it is
Good luck with your hatch!
Thanks! I ended up checking it with one of my husbands fancy thermometers from his job.. the built in one was spot on with temperature accuracy

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