Where to find bantams

Snow Flamingo

Aug 26, 2017
Edinboro, PA
Hello! Does anyone know where I would be able to buy Bantam Buff Orpington chicks......Spring 2018 of course. I live in Pennsylvania and our winters can be harsh, don't want to start babies in the cold. I have looked on many hatchery websites, either they don't carry them at all, minimum order is too high or they won't sex them.
I sure would appreciate any help on this. I only want to raise a few. Thank you!!!
My Pet Chicken sells them sexed. Not sure what you consider too high for a minimum order, but they're a hatchery that has the smallest chick minimums I've come across, so they're your best bet, and they're the only 'hatchery' that sexes bantams that I know of, so really they're your only option, probably.
Thank you Pyxis! I've purchased just an item from them before and they were very nice. I only want a maximum of 3 - 5. I only want one for myself which will be an indoor pet (with outside time too). I have a couple friends that will take the others when they are old enough.
I will give them a call. Appreciate it!

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