Where to Find Chicks This Time of Year


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
Hi everyone,
so yesterday while getting ready for work in the am, I heard an awful sound coming from the back where the coop is. I look out the window and see a fox INSIDE my girls coop! Chasing them around!
I ran out there screaming etc acting hysterical im sure. I was able to scare him away but the damage was done. :((((
We lost 5 of our 9 girls. OMG Im devastated.
Figured out he got in through the front door!
My husband fixed the problem but of course a minute too late for my poor girls.
Anyhow, sorry for the long story, but I would like to know if there is anywhere to find chicks this time of year to try again with our reinforced fort nox style coop.
After the tears have dried im ready to try again.
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions!
Try craigslist. That's the first place I go after I've checked all the hatcheries availability. At this time of year, as you probably know, hatcheries are sold out of many breeds. Sorry to hear about your girls =(. We're having fox problems here too. One of the devils just got one of my oldest hens. I absolutely HATE them. I hope you find some babies (or maybe even some juveniles if you want) that suit you. All you can do is go on from here. Best of luck to you.
So sorry for your loss! That's horrible.

You should still be able to order chicks from most of the hatcheries. Also check your local craigslist. I've seen a few listings for chicks on our recently. Good luck!

(Oops! I didn't see that someone already responded.
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You should still be able to order chicks from most of the hatcheries. 

For many of the bigger hatcheries selection is dwindling and some are sold out for the season...

There are a few hatcheries that hatch/ship year round and still have pretty good October/November offerings, you might want to search them out or seek something local like the suggested Craigslist...
I ordered 24 Easter eggers from ideal poultry out of tx 4 weeks ago. You should look into a maremma lgd if you have at least 2 acres fenced. my maremma prevented a hawk attack and he's only 6 months
Thank you so much everyone
I will check craigslist then maybe mcmurray or something like that?
Thanks for your help
Im sorry but what is a maremma?
I lost my first flock to a neighborhood dog. Started over and a hawk got my roo. After much research, decided on a maremma livestock guardian dog. Like the great pyrenees but smaller and a little less coat. They are a white dog that bonds with other animals and guards them from predators. They sleep during the day but come running when the roo alerts for trouble. At night they patrol and keep everyone safe. All this is instinctive to guard and they have no chase drive once out of the puppy stage. cost is around 500 to 700 best investment if you have a small farm. Once my dog gets a year old I plan on 100% free ranging and not stressing about rushing home to close coops at night
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