Where to purchase started pullets in PA, MD area?


Oct 25, 2015
Two of our three hens were killed this week by a dog neighbor that got lose. I want to get her some companions quickly. Anyone know of farms where I can get started pullets (cold hardy breeds) in south central PA, northern MD, Eastern WV area?

No trimmed beaks please as our hens free range.

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Congrats on your first post, but very sorry regarding the circumstances.

Are you looking for any particular breeds, other than being cold hardy? You could try posting on Craigslist, or once you have 20 posts on BYC you can post in the "buy/sell/trade forum". There are also several hatcheries out there that sell started birds, as long as you don't find shipping costs. Another option would be to use the search bar above to search for your state's thread and see if anyone on your state's thread have any for sale near you. Whatever you decide to do, I would still give the advice that you quarantine the new birds for at least a month before introducing them to you remaining hen. You never know what pests, parasites or diseases new birds can have, even when they are coming from reputable people.

Good luck!
We lost a Barred Rock and Americauna. Would like the same but won't be picky as long as we can get them quickly. Our remaining hen already seems lonely and comes running to us when we go outside.

We do plan to keep them separate for a while. We have several fenced pastures so they can acclimate to each other without direct contact.

I'm sorry you lost two birds to the neighbor's dog. That's a story we hear too often.

Good luck finding some new birds, trailrider330 has given you some possible sources.

Thanks for joining us!

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