Where'd all the eggs go?


6 Years
Feb 12, 2013
We have been building up our flock over the past few months, and have gotten up to 7 laying hens. About two weeks ago, the egg production came to a halt. We're lucky to get two a day, and it's usually just one or none. Is it the time of year? We're in S.W. Florida, and it is hot and humid. We've also had a good amount of rain this summer.
Any thoughts are appreciated...
What breeds and how old are they? For most breeds second autumn and each thereafter is molting season. Some breeds will even molt first autumn if they hatched very early in the year.
Welcome to BYC!

It could be a few different things:
* The heat will cause some reduction in laying (I'm in north/central FL and am seeing a drop too)
* If you free range at all, there may be a hidden nest outside the coop
* Egg eating...that's a bad one because once they start, it's hard to break. And when you have 1 eating the eggs, the others will quickly join in

Hope that helps, good luck to you!
What breeds and how old are they? For most breeds second autumn and each thereafter is molting season. Some breeds will even molt first autumn if they hatched very early in the year.

Good point! If you're seeing feathers everywhere then they could be molting.
We have them in pairs somehow. Funny how that worked out. They are 2 Barred rocks, 2 RIR's, 2 EE's, and one crazy mixed meat breed, probably a Cornish cross of some sort. They are all free range. The EE's I know for sure were laying outside the boxes. They have even flown the coop and laid in the yard in small hidden nests. We have a bunch of Bromeliads on the ground as cover and they love them. I searched the yard the other day extensively, and nothing. I even checked the neighbor's yard , because they have decided to go forage over there too. They are the most dexterous little birds I have ever seen. Our 6' privacy fencing is nothing for them. They can fly like no other chicken we've had as well. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to have to enclose the yard with some screening to keep them from wandering. I have noticed the RIR's are molting, but not the others. The pairs are all different ages. IE: the rocks are close to the same age, the RIR's are the same, etc. The Rocks are going on three years, the RIR's are probably going on two, the EE's are just new layers this season, as well as the crazy cross. We have one rock that will eat eggs if left too long and they don't get fed in time. She leaves part of the shell so we can tell that they're being eaten. They have three separate boxes, but all have to be in the same one and the one rock let's everyone in the neighborhood know it when she's not happy about not being the one in the nest. She may have to go to the farm soon.
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