Where's the blocked list???

Block feature doesn't last long with most because curiousity gets the better of them. They just have to see what they missed.
Wow - seeing everything I missed while I was driving to work. I tell ya one thing, the computers are so painfully slow here at work, I won't be surfing BYC much when I'm supposed to be doing other things! LOL

So, in a nutshell, the block feature just makes us oblivious to those trying to make our lives miserable....ahhh...ignorance is bliss!!!
(By the way, I love this new smiley!!)

To do list:
Block Jean...I mean, wait, what??
Yeah... that might happen...
I probably wont need to block anyone... especially if they can still see me anyways, and make comments on my posts,,, but then i cant see what they are posting about me...

Hmmm? Ok i thought if you blocked someone...they cant post on your threads? Bummer

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