which bird has made the most money for you?

Yes it's a chicken. I called mine Cuckoo Marans but they are actually just called Maran without the s.

They are called Marans with an "s" even if you are talking about one bird because they are named after a place & it has an "s".
My silkie cross culls are my biggest money maker, for some reason people are more than happy to pay $5+ for day old chicks that I tell them are mutts and though they have feathered legs and black skin will have normal chicken feathers!
The bird that made the most money for me has to be the Lady Gould Finch. Followed by the Pekin duck... 4 females + 1 male = 513 lbs of ducklings in freezer camp in one (3 hatch) season.
hands down:
add on craigs list in the fall "free hens wanted"
all the city people bring you (don't pick them up have them bring them to you saves gas) their moulting/not laying hens.
Feed them through winter (they eat about 5.00 worth of feed each over the winter)
add on craigs list next spring "3 fat laying hens 45.00"
hands down:
add on craigs list in the fall "free hens wanted"
all the city people bring you (don't pick them up have them bring them to you saves gas) their moulting/not laying hens.
Feed them through winter (they eat about 5.00 worth of feed each over the winter)
add on craigs list next spring "3 fat laying hens 45.00"

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