Which breed do we have?

yes, I did read about that. One of the two is slightly smaller than the other. In addition, the behavior is also different. The larger one is a bit quieter and more focused on us. The smaller one can fly better, is more active and a better swimmer. The big one is the only one I've heard make a hissing sound so far. But maybe they just have very unique characters.
If one of them is female, we have to buy more females in the spring. I can live with that:cool:
they do look like muscovie and 1 is 100% girl. when walking girls put one foot in front of the other while boys walk with wide open feet.

they are still young to develop caruncles but they might be mixed breed.
I had a Pekin that I loved dearly but she drove me nearly to drink with loud incessant quacking. I couldn’t hear you babies’ noises but if they are quacking a lot, I’d guess Pekin.
It’s funny you say that. We have the opposite problem. Our Pekin girl has never made a peep. We didn’t even know she was female until she started laying eggs. Our Silver Appleyard, on the other hand, has not shut up since the moment we got her. Friends of ours have an obnoxious Rouen. Makes me think more and more that Muscovies are the way to go if you ever want a moment of peace.

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