Which breeds have you had good egg production from?

I crossed Welsummers with Naked Necks and had amazing production, size and color. At present, I have a mixed flock of Whiting True Greens and Blues. The larger of these colored eggs are huge and the color is gorgeous. So;
1. Welsummer x Naked neck
2. Whiting True's - (The green eggs are olive and stunning.)
3. Wellsummers
4. Naked Necks (Turkens) - Daily X Large somehow.
We have had great success with Bovans Brown, they are consistent layers, and the eggs are large.
They are, I had them, but they don't lay for long, so if you are selling eggs you have to replace them regularly every 18 or 24 months, they are not very good in feed conversion ratio
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Hello, I have some Barred Rocks & Road Island Reds going on 3 years, that are laying eggs for me everyday. I even get eggs in the winter, not from every chicken but I still get about 25% of them. They are very friendly, when I give them table scraps they come up to me and let me pet them. That's when I actually inspect them for any problems.
Hello! So, I LOVE the friendliness and high egg production #'s coming from my Golden Comets (6-7 per week), however I don't like the reproductive issues that have started happening (egg bound, etc....) So, I'm needing some advice as to which chickens you've had the best egg output from..... I'll be adding close to 20 hens with the sole purpose of selling eggs and want breeds that can give me 5-6-7 eggs per week and is not a production hybrid. Any breeds you've had luck with??? Thanks!
Hello! So, I LOVE the friendliness and high egg production #'s coming from my Golden Comets (6-7 per week), however I don't like the reproductive issues that have started happening (egg bound, etc....) So, I'm needing some advice as to which chickens you've had the best egg output from..... I'll be adding close to 20 hens with the sole purpose of selling eggs and want breeds that can give me 5-6-7 eggs per week and is not a production hybrid. Any breeds you've had luck with??? Thanks!
I have a RED Sex Link, I know you said no hybrids but she is a consistent large egg super layer, started at 20 wks to the day and has not miss but maybe 2-3 days in a year and did not miss a day laying all through the winter. Goldie is friendly-lets us pick her up and likes to be petted-actually fallows me around in our back yard a bit when free ranging....just saying
I have 6 Black Australorps. They are very consistent at around 36 eggs per week, an average of more than 5 per day. And, if you trust the old interwebs, the Black Australorp holds the record for egg production in a year at 364 eggs. I guess everyone needs a day off now and then.
Red Rangers are another good egg layer I have some of them and they will lay almost daily.I also have some Brown Leghorns but their still a bit to young ,but it shouldn't be long now before they start laying.

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