Which BYC member scares you?

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I second the motion, Bill…@Bonkerelli …Please know that I was only rooting for you and trying to cheer you up when I had recommended for you to ship a bag of you-know-whats to everyone you hate.
Oh not the bag. I got in a little trouble about that bag and I didn’t even know what it was for 😂
I caught up yet somehow still have no clue what is happening. Bonk hates Bill, bit they're actually friends, and something with Moony, and um English teachers suck, and Bill thought he made up Bonk's name and tried to figure it out but then realized it was an old childhood story and someone said something that upset Bonk?


Also somehow English is always my least favorite subject, but English teachers are always my favorite.
You are on track!
Bonk hates Bill, bit they're actually friends,
Season 4 Hug GIF by Good Girls

I was not the only one you said you were blocking. I don't remember who but there were others. I am not going to research it either. I am pretty sure duckie was one, though 😂

Why do you say I call you bonk more than others? Everyone calls you that and you have told them to. I read it. You have always been called that. I actually thought bonkerelli was your real last name. I started calling you bonk after you talked about hitting your head on the headboard or something. :lau I didn't even know that was already your nickname.

I do it to bait you. When you bite, I set the hook. But, you have free range to whine as far as I am concerned. Monday was my last time to tell you that you are. Mark you calendar. You are free to whine. I will not do it.

Everyone gets on your nerves? Is that what you are saying? So, why blame me? lol Just curious. Chilllax, bonk.

Yep, it is true. I read it.

Happy Birthday, Bonk!!

Oh, and you should punctuate. It bothers Abigail. Plus, Mrs. Ard is patrolling the thread.
Did you have a seizure?
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