Which BYC member scares you?

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I spotted a little baby toad while watering plants eailer and noticed he was hopping weirdly.
So I scooped him up and found that not only is he missing a whole leg, but a foot too. So of course he had to come with me :)
I've setup a temporary enclosure for him and offered a cricket.


S/he (not sure of gender) is in need of a name, so feel free to suggest some!
Argiope aurantia, I've had dozens of them over the years. They get named and their webs are partitioned off, I also toss them a juicy bug here and there.
I think they're gorgeous and I love to see them work. I'm actually sad when they die, something about them makes them more attractive than any other spider imao.
Banana spiders? Wife hates them with a passion. They weave their webs at face height along trails in the woods. Nothing like a face full of spider web with a huge spider coming out to see what it caught. Walking sticks are a good thing.
Banana spiders? Wife hates them with a passion. They weave their webs at face height along trails in the woods. Nothing like a face full of spider web with a huge spider coming out to see what it caught. Walking sticks are a good thing.
Those are golden silk orb weavers. They're all through the trails here too. I think they're pretty though.
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