Which chicken breed makes a good indoor bedroom pet?

I’m looking for a breed of chicken that doesn’t poop a lot and will stay on my lap for a long time. Would buff orpingtons be a good candidate? This will be an indoor pet.
None. Chickens should not be considered for an indoor pet, especially if you just want a single animal
It does appear to be a leghorn pullet. What age in that pic?
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Would buff orpingtons be a good candidate? This will be an indoor pet.
I have buff orps and had to keep a couple of similarly sized and proportioned mix breed chickens indoors over the winter because the cockerel of the pair wasn't old enough to handle the extreme cold of my region. While it was fun in some respects having chickens run around the house several times per day and they are so bonded to me now that they just follow me everywhere like they're on a leash even now that they're outside, it's not something I want to do again. It was a dust nightmare, an extensive area had to be chicken-proofed, and as they got bigger, they also REALLY had trouble with smooth floors and would slip and slide everywhere. They are just not indoor animals at that size - it's like trying to keep a big bouncy dog locked in a room all day when it needs to go run around outside. Please don't try to keep something as big as an adult orpington indoors 24/7.

It's also totally personality dependent whether a given chicken will sit on your lap for long periods of time. All of my chickens love me and want attention from me, but there are those that like a hug and get a case of the wiggles a couple minutes later, and just a few who like to sit for a really long time. A lot of that seems to be temperature-related; they heat up sitting on a human and some get too warm quickly, others seem content to get much warmer. It's also my roosters that want to park on me for the longest (one basically won't leave on his own once he's on my lap no matter how warm he gets) but you do NOT want one of those in the house even just to sleep overnight once they reach their full volume potential.
For the reasons you are wanting a chicken, they are not the right animal for you. Chickens are farm animals, livestock. They are meant to live outside with a flock all day. All chickens will poop everywhere, all the time, and likely won’t sit on your lap for very long. Yes, chickens can be cuddly, but most wouldn’t be content sitting still all day. Chickens should never be kept in rabbit cages, especially if you mean this kind:

If you really want a chicken, get a few hens and coop outside.

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