Which chicken should I start with?

Coop de Grille

12 Years
Apr 24, 2010
South Carolina
I'm looking to place my first order for babies! I am going to start with 8-10 chicks and would like to know if it is better to get all the same or can I mix them up? Is it ok to get two of each type? These are the ones I'm thinking about getting:

Buff Orpington
Rhode Island Red
Easter Egger
Barred Rock

Any advice?
easter eggers
I got three each of four breeds and it has worked very well. I have both BRs and BOs and they are my two favourite breeds, BRs for their egg production (and one cheeky girl) and BOs for their personality (the egg production is excellent, too). I can't speak to the other two breeds, but I can say that I've never had any issues with my girls getting along. Unless Trixie is in the nest when Maisie wants to lay, then all bets are off.
i would get easter eggers and barred rocks, i had barred rocks first and loved them, the easter eggers i wish i had gotten, too, i have one now and she a great bird.
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Think about swapping the barred-rock for Dominiques. Just because. Dominiques are a heritage breed and make excellent dual purpose birds. I'm biased toward the dominiques. My girls and huge Roo are such good sweet birds. Very hardy. Doms have a rose comb that won't frostbite like the taller combs do sometimes.
I'd get a few of each, except maybe the Rhodies. No offense to you Rhodie fans, but mine aren't touchy-feely and flee from me if I try to pet them.

A far as the others, I have no experience with buff Orpingtons, but my barred rocks are super friendly, BIG girls, and the ones that are laying do so quite consistently. Depending on where you get your Easter-Eggers, they could be anything from really friendly to very shy. I have a few at both ends of that spectrum, but the pretty blue-green eggs are worth the lack of cuddle time.

A mixed flock should do just fine together as long as they have enough space. Good luck with your babies when they arrive, and enjoy them while you can! They do grow fast!
It is so much better for the peace of your flock to go ahead and buy them all at once. So if you would like to try all these breeds, I would recommend going ahead and ordering some of each. They will grow up buddies rather than fighting to establish the pecking order if you order some later on.


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