Which chicken should I start with?

i think if i had the space i would order 1 of every kind... glad my husband is here to stop me!!!!
my RIR's started out the bossy ones but it didn't stay that way the larger hens won the battle over them and they fell into place!!
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I completely agree with nurseturtle, dominique all the way and for the same reason... Just because.

I do have some rir and Australorp, great layers, but I choose aussies over reds because of their size and appearance. Reds looks like, well, chickens, aussies have a presence about them.

Also, I have a Sussex, sweet thing, beautiful color. I love looking at her. Fantastic layer too. That girl cranks out an egg a day of the most beautiful shade (almost champagne colored). One thing I have heard about the speckled Sussex and I can vouch for it, they prefer to forage for their food so she rarely visits the feed hopper. If I don't or can't let them out in the yard I have to make sure there is something in the coop or run for her to find herself to eat. On days where I work late I have found her crop to be almost empty even if there is plenty of food left in the bin.
I like all of your choices EXCEPT the RIR. I never have really liked them. Some can be nice but others are monsters. I would also recommend that you get an Australorp. They are super nice chickens that lay well. I also like Marans.
We started with 2 RIR's and 2 EE's. They are 15 weeks. They are friendly and run to me. I can pick them up and pet them. The RIRs have bit me when I had my camera.
They are feisty. Both seem to be nice chicken varieties.
The ones I always recommend are Barred Plymouth Rocks. I would also recommend just a regular production red for friendliness and egg production. Buff Orpingtons are supposed to be great for friendliness, but mine is not.

You can not go wrong with true BR though!

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