Which chicken should I start with?

Those are exactly what I started with. 2 each of BO, EE and BR, 5 Red stars and a Wellie. My Roo is a BR, and he's nasty, but a good protector. I have to replace him when I can, he's agressive. I got BR because I read so much about them being sweet, but he's not.

My Reds started laying at 15 weeks, but obviously, as sex links, they're only potentially part RIR. My BR's started laying next and lay nearly every day. My BO's next, and I get an average of 3 eggs every 3 days from the 2 of them. One EE is laying and the other hasn't started yet, although she's 9 months old. But, I'm happy with all of their personalities. Very sweet, nosy, friendly.
I have a mixed flock including BO's, BR's and EE's, also Wyandotte, Australorp, Blue Orps & Welsummers. The BO's and BR's are the most social & laid back of my flock. They're very friendly and get along well with the others, they're also very good layers. The EE's lay probably 4-5 eggs a week, I love their colored eggs and their variety of colors so I just got two more. My favorite chicken, personality wise in my flock is one of my Speckled Sussex'. She's the smartest of the bunch for sure, and she's very inquisitive & friendly, also a great layer. SS' were not on my list when I was purchasing chickens, just happened as a last minute add on at the feed store. I'm really glad I got them.
I'm new to chickening and I only have 3 (1 Australorp, 1 Easter Egger and 1 New Hampshire (Red)). I like the variety and they all seem to get along just fine. Mine are only 11 weeks old right now, so I don't know about their laying capabilities just yet. Out of the 3, the Australorp is the most outgoing, followed by the NHR and the EE. They all have very different personalities. I'm really enjoying them so far. Good luck with your future babies!
I ordered my first chicks this way...4 Easter Eggers, 3 Silkies & 2 Welsummers...all day olds and all arrived healthy and happy. They were my first ever chicks and I figured I'd be able to tell one breed from another by getting different amounts of each breed...and glad I did it that way because one of the EE's was colored exactly the same as the silkies...so for the first week and a half I had the silkies and the ee's switched.
They all get along very well now at 9 almost 10 weeks...and believe what you read when they say they grow like weeds...it's the truth!
Bairo, I had not seen that link before, thank you!

I am getting four Buff Orpingtons on Xmas eve from someone local to me. They also have Speckled Sussex eggs that are due to hatch a week later on New Years day. I think I am going to get four of those too. I want to order the other breeds from the hatchery but can't find a hatchery that will have babies soon. I would prefer to keep them all around the same age. The earliest I have been able to find hatchery birds is the end of February. By that time my BO's and SS's should already be out in the big coop. Can I integrate the babies in with the teenagers when the babies are old enough to go in the big coop? Will they be pecked at by my Xmas eve babies?
Hi, I have had all the breeds you are thinking about and they are all great! I suspect you will enjoy all of these breeds and they are perfect for beginners. The Rhode Island reds will most likely be the best layer and will have the largest eggs, the are sweet and genital with amazing personalities. The buff Orpington and barred rock have the possibility to go broody, but my experience is that it 1 out of 50 will be. They are great layers and the buff Orpington's are filled with curiosity, but on the other hand bared rocks can be a bit grumpier and more dominant than the rest. The Americana's will most likely be the flightiest and the hardest to catch they are timid and usually want nothing to do with people, but they can also be the opposite with regular handling. Overall I think you choose extant breeds that I adore. have fun!
@Coop de Grille

Listed below are the chicks I got at 4 weeks old. I love them all. Especially the Barred Rocks. You may want to consider Australorps too, you want eggs. They are great so far, and VERY VERY friendly.

I will tell you the lady I purchased mine from suggested not mixing Rhode Island Reds with any other birds. I do NOT know this to be true, but she stated they "Do not get along well with other breeds" Just what she said, and I do not know this from personal experience. Anyway...check out my list of girls below.

I LOVE them all so far, and they're almost 9 weeks old.

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