Which chicken should I start with?

I bought the same ones you are choosing other than the Rhode Island Red. I got a New Hampshire Red. They are all buddies. Neat colors on each. I also got a Polish. It's been a lot of fun watching the different personalities..

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I say go for all but the RIRs...again, like pipd said, sorry to the RIR fans, BUT my first chickens a LONG time ago were 2 RIR girls, 4 EE girls, and an EE roo. The RIR girls picked on the EE girls relentlessly until the EE roo killed them for it.... I really like the personalities on the buff Orps.
I would get a couple of each. But all the RIRs I have meet have either been very skiddish and/or aggressive to people more than other birds. I have Orpingtons and they are very docile and sweet, especially if you handle them every day. They just fall asleep in your arms.
Australorps and EEs are next on my list.

Re: Brahmas. Mine are great, but I wouldn't get them again, for a variety of reasons. One is that the feathers on the feet can be a liability. Two of mine have broken foot feathers and bled a lot as a result. I also don't find mine to be the most reliable of layers, but that's a very small sample of three, and they're only 8 months, so maybe they just need to mature more. Mine also have a harder time getting on the roosts because of their size.
Interesting. My brahma girls are 3 years, 8 months old. Weren't full grown until almost two. Lay all through the winter and are still laying well at their age. I've had maybe three broken foot feathers to deal with.

Of course we purposely built their roosts low to the floor because of their massive size.

Love my brahmas and after experimenting with other breeds have decided that any future chickens will be brahmas and maybe a white faced spanish or two.
We had an Australorp named Aspen a while ago and she was so soft and sweet and pretty, not to mention a dedicated layer. I've not had any Sussex, but I've heard (read) good things about them (mainly on this site
) and would like to get some in the future.

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