which chickens:looking to add some more girls to the flock, what breeds


5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
hi I have a flock of seven chickens ( 3 died) a cream brabranter, an Americana, two lakenvelders , two wellsummers, and a silver laced cochin. looking to add more to my flock I can get a maximum of 5 these were some breeds I was considering, brahma, orphinton, another americana , a australorp, another cochin, and maybe a sex link .

I want to know which five you think I should get , maybe you have some breed ideas to feel free to share those. Thank you and much appreciated.
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Thank you awesome I will do some research on sex links
Oh, yes, that's important to me, too. :) I have lots of breeds, but only one of most...so my experience is rather limited. That being said, our 2 Barred Rocks are comical, in-your-face, curious girls. I HIGHLY recommend them! Our White Rock and Speckled Sussex are very sweet and docile. The Golden Campine and Black Sumatra are energetic, intelligent, pleasant little creatures who add an element of FUN to the flock.

I've never had a Brahma, but I've heard good things about their temperament. Same for Cochins and Silkies.

We have noticed that most of the breeds we have that are known for pet qualities, such as our Black Australorp and Buff Orpington, really aren't friendly; however, most of our "flighty" breeds are. Who knows, maybe we got the exceptions?

If I could only have 5 chickens, I would have 5 different breeds, but that's just me. I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.
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I am thinking to add some chickens as well. my chickens are my pets so I am looking for egg laying chickens who will die of old age. another thing I am considering is food consumption (I already have about 30 chickens).

so these are I want:

black copper marans, I already have a pullet and a cockerel. they are very sweet, docile and friendly, low in pecking order.

minorca, had 3 pullets but all of them died, 2 were sick when given to me and the 3rd was hatched in september and did non grow up enough to be ready for the winter. they are so intelligent, sweet and sensitive birds I must have at least 2 of them.

I am thinking of: andalusian, leghorn, light sussex and plymouth rock - for egg laying. considering buff orpington as I have s surprise cockerel and he is totally adorable.

I have 2 white leghorns, one is very curious and friendly and another one is flighty and scared of everything and anything. but I like their huge eggs.

red sex link are my sweetest girls, real pets but they eat like pigs. 1 or 2 would be ok. their huge brown eggs are pretty.

brahma is a good choice. I have a pullet who was hatched by my broody and a 3 yo rescue hen. they are special, sweet, adorable.

I also love my naked necks. mine are good layers. they are bossy, high in pecking order but my other girls like them anyway. they kind of talk to me. just love them. the interesting thing about NNs is that they don't peck on young chicks.
If you're wanting pets, I would suggest going with one of the breeds that has a well deserved reputation for being calm and gentle (good lap pets) such as Australorps, Faverolles, Orpingtons, Brahmas, or Sussex. Of course there can always be an exception with any breed. If high egg production is a priority, Australorps are the best layers on this list.

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