which coop ? Pls help me choose 1

you have bought up very good point. It will be custom made but will it be cheaper, maybe not. We have spent so much in their current coop/run and other stuff that having to build or buy another one, I have to make a budget and stick to it I guess. I don't think I would be having this much trouble if was to find them a nice permanet location. The trouble begins with having to many birds and different needs of a duck and a chic. I say, ok I found them a spot, then some ppl say snake will come there (cause it did last summer and it was no where near the chicken coop, it came from the mini forest out back thru our fence ). Ok then I pick another spot for them, they say it's too close to the house. Then another one, then they say it's too close to the neighbors, then again another spot, too far. Then the position of the sun and the wind, I am really loosing my mind
. All I ever wanted was to have my chickens and ducks in a safe location and them being happy will make me even happier person. The carpenter is a reasonal person and he gives reasonable prices. It won't hurt to ask, I thought. Or would it make me more confused ? time will tell. If I choose one of these options of chicken coops, I think I'm off to a great start at finding the location for them. Thank you all for your support, ideas and suggestions. I won't give up

Thanks Pat, I will take everything under considerations and will ask him everything you've mentioned. Thank you

Thank you All
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I agree about keeping it plain but getting the most space. And as pat says, a pole structure will give you a better chance at this time of year. If you do make one above ground, remember to insulate the underside of the floor and sheathe it before you can't get to it!



It's c-cold here too!

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I see what you guys mean, I looked up pole structure. Thanks guys :)
It looks like you had a lot of snow there too
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I priced one of those Home Depot Handy Home sheds including labor with the bid from my custom contractor, and the Handy Home shed with the options I wanted (4 windows, radiant roof sheathing, large vents etc.) priced out about a hundred dollars higher than my custom bid. The same size basic model Handy Home shed with no windows or vents certainly was cheaper, but it didn't suit my needs, and might have cost just as much to retrofit after the fact anyway. Plus I didn't really like the materials they pick to build those sheds anyway.

One thing I did do to save a little money was to do the finish out on my coop myself, rather than paying my builder to do those things I can easily do: I did the staining and all the interior finish out, including adding the vent flaps, the hardware cloth on the windows and vents, the insulation and covering up the insulation.
I'm torn between the 1st choice 5x8 quaker and the 4th one the 6x8 cottage play house. The quaker is $1,395 plus $422.00 wheels and few other miscellaneous stuffs.
Cottage is $2,030 and no wheels, no roosting bar, no nest boxes and other then the windows no other ventilations, hmmm, the carpenter is coming on Monday, I will ask him the other stuff that quaker has and how much will it be if he builds it. I went out today to the place where they sale the 1st choice (quaker) and got a very good feeling about it. It's one thing seeing it over the internet and another seeing it in person. I realize I'm not going to get my coop of my dreams but hey, the chicks don't care. My dream coop now is to provide them safety, warm and dry coop. My dream coop will be like 100 times bigger and more chickens/ducks and to live in a farm. Up until then, I think I'll be happy knowing I did the best I can under some circumstances. Thank you all for your ideas and suggestions and for your time. Everything everyone wrote, I will keep in mind. Thx
Although I want a permanet spot for them, I really need it to be portable.
5x8 says it holds up 20-25 chickens portable and we have another 2 floor 3x5 coop that we can move it by hand truck. The run will be 30x20 or maybe bigger, wouldn't that be enough ?

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