which eggs to use?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 16, 2010
New Middletown, Indiana
Im sure this has came up many times already but I might just be a little bit blind on finding it
I plan on incubating some eggs, Which eggs do I use? What I really mean is; I am getting 6 eggs a day from my Girls. I want to try and hatch about 30 eggs since this is my first time I know its not going to be perfect. 30 eggs will take me 5 days to collect, what do i do with the other eggs that I plan on using while waiting for all 30 eggs? do i put them in the fridge? Do i put them in a spot that has ambient temps? I have looked into a few books and tried to find it on here and I am sure I am making this into a much bigger deal than it needs to be but I just don't want to waste a life when I can take a few minutes and just check. Thank you all so much
do not put them into the fridge.. about 60F is a good temp to store them.. we put ours in cartons and set them on the basement floor.. we flip the cartons once a day, or each time we add eggs, whichever comes first..
I keep mine on the kitchen counter as I have no cooler place to keep them other than the fridge or outside where they'd freeze. I keep them in cartons and flip the cartons 2-3X a day. I have had very good hatches from eggs stored this way.
Thank you all very much
another question I guess would be how long can I keep a egg before I try to hatch it. What is the longest I can let one go before putting the egg into the incubator? I am getting so excited about these eggs!
I try to not go more than a week.. I get my own birds' eggs in within 3 days.. now that I have a separate hatcher, I put them in every day..
7 days is the best to go, but you can go as long as 10 without or very little effects on your hatch rate. You can store as long as 21 days in the right temp but hatch rate goes down a lot after 10 days. I think it is 10% for every week they are stored.
No fridge - some do, but I personaly wouldn't

Put them all in a box, or an empty egg carton. Pointy end facing

down. Keep them in temps from 40F to 75F Turn them once a day.


If you are going to turn them once a day, what difference does it make which end is down ?


So many posts say to store pointy end down until setting to hatch. Why turn every day? Don't they just kinda "be eggs" until you put them into a warm environment to begin to grow into chicks?

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