Jul 7, 2022 #1 BantammChick Free Ranging Premium Feather Member 7 Years May 8, 2017 1,410 13,388 706 Missouri Hi! So I got four ducks from cackle hatchery in May, and I ordered 3 females and one male, and now I'm not sure which one is the drake! Here are some pictures of them, any help appreciated! If I need to I can try to get some better pictures
Hi! So I got four ducks from cackle hatchery in May, and I ordered 3 females and one male, and now I'm not sure which one is the drake! Here are some pictures of them, any help appreciated! If I need to I can try to get some better pictures
Jul 7, 2022 #2 fatty and friends Crowing May 27, 2020 1,322 6,165 351 michigan the one with the black tail feathers
Jul 7, 2022 Thread starter #3 BantammChick Free Ranging Premium Feather Member 7 Years May 8, 2017 1,410 13,388 706 Missouri fatty and friends said: the one with the black tail feathers Click to expand... omg I hadn't noticed that! ty!
fatty and friends said: the one with the black tail feathers Click to expand... omg I hadn't noticed that! ty!