Which one of these is most freindly/ your favorite?

Which one?

  • Wyandotte

    Votes: 38 7.0%
  • Salmon Faverolle

    Votes: 35 6.5%
  • Easter Egger

    Votes: 75 13.9%
  • Sultan

    Votes: 5 0.9%
  • Orpington

    Votes: 179 33.1%
  • Australope

    Votes: 47 8.7%
  • Sussex

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • Polish

    Votes: 36 6.7%
  • Cochin

    Votes: 65 12.0%
  • Maran

    Votes: 30 5.6%

  • Total voters
I dont even know what type of breeds all mine are Sookie appears to be a golden lace waydot..Arlene is supposed to be a RIR and Lafayette is a Barred rock....still dont know what the "twins" Tarra and Jessica are or the two mostly white with cheek puffs are( Pam and Heather) I want to get a couple of Orphingtons next.
We thought we would love our Faverolles best since the description said they were very sweet and docile. OUR Faverolles, however, is the dominant bird in the flock that includes ordinarily bossy birds like Wyandottes. By far, our EE and Ameraucana are the friendliest. The most standoffish is the Wyandotte (although she is the prettiest). We'll see how we like Iowa Blues, Marans, Orps, and Lorps as our new batch of babies grows.
What's a "lorp"?
I find my buff orpington and my EE to be the friendliest hens. The barred rock will come to me when called and can be handled. The wyandottes don't are pretty but don't like to be handled and the light brahmas are friendly enough but noisy, they sound like a goose when they lay an egg and tend to be bossy along with the wyandottes. It's fun to watch them all interact!
So, I am brand new to chickens, but we finally moved out of a subdivision and have the space, so I let no moss gather. I am jumping in. I have 5 Salmon Faverolles chicks who are having their month old birthday today! I chose them because of their reputation for being docile and good, cold hardy layers. I thought that would be the extent of my flock.....well, chicken math is working on me and the coop I ended up with is 15x6 and has 5 nesting boxes. I feel like I need to get a few more.
my question is that I don't want my girls to get bullied, so I'm wondering what breeds might be a good addition, especially if they are younger by a few weeks. I'm considering Americaunas, SLW, and Brahma? Any thought? I think the variety of eggs would be awesome!
I didn't see them on your list, so don't know if they were skipped or you just didn't want them, but Silkies are the friendliest by far..my Polish run a close 2nd...as chicks they both would run over and fight over who got to sit in my hands when I put them in the brooder. Silkies aren't the greatest layers, but a flock of them and Polish would be a great friendly starter flock. But I also prefer crested breeds ..
I've been reading that Sussex are the friendliest, and I'm going to order some, but I don't see how any bird could be friendlier than my Golden Comets. They're super affectionate and come running or flying towards me every time I step in the yard, and follow me like puppies. I adore them and I'll always have some.

My Cackle EEs are only three or four weeks old, but they've always been friendlier than my BAs and BPRs were at that age.
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Thanks!! I have gotten nothing but awesome reviews about Silkies, but I already have 5 Salmon Faverolles. They are all very friendly and come running to the fence for me to pick clover and dandelion greens for them. I had read the Silkies aren't the greatest layers. But I excluded them for now for two reasons. (For now
) we have black snakes that I haven't been able to get to know/relocate yet. I'm my sure if they will start trying to get into my coop and I would be so worried for such little chickens. Also, my Salmon Faverolles are only 6 weeks old and they are already so big! I thought that they might get too big to mix such little chickens with, so I decided that they might have to wait until I know more about the snakes, how big my current chickens will be and their temperment, and also how many eggs I'll be getting. However, I've heard so many wonderful things about them that I'll definitely keep them in mind
For snakes there's a new product called Snake Stopper. It tested very well against the brown snakes on Guam. It won't bother your chickens. You only have to apply it once every 30 days even if it rains. It's a blend of cinnamon oil and cedar oil in a sulphur base, and it's a powder that you shake onto the ground around your coop and yard. It's at Tractor Supply for less than $15.00.
I know guineas are snake killers..at least mine are..not to mention the royalty of tick destroyers...lol..

I was always taught that moth balls kept snakes away but I never could get past the smell enough to try it out.

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