Which rooster, Barred Rock or Rhode Island Red?

Have you consider Light Sussex or light sussex cross show black orpington? The neighbor wouldn't know I have roosters because they hardly ever crow. They are also very friendly and large birds.
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My uncle just got 15 buff orpingtons because he loves the roosters so much. My neighbor has a BO roo and you wouldn't know it if you couldn't see him - he crows about three times a week and quietly at that.

You can't know what a rooster's personality is like until he's grown and past the crazy hormone stage. There are LOTS of mature roos out there for free or very cheap. I don't want my roos terribly friendly because their purpose is to protect the flock (and die in the process if necessary) and I don't want to get attached to them, but I don't want them flogging me either...

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