White Cornish: Building a Quality, Sustainable Flock for Meat and More.....

The chick you opened the wing up on came from pen "C".... one pops up like that once and a while. It may show a freckle as it feathers at first. If so it will molt out soon. I cull those but you may not have enough to do that. In a few weeks you wont be able to tell it from the others, so mark it if you want it gone.
No you're right about the build in the chicks.... but by the time they are 6 weeks old, they're almost identical....
I am getting some White Cornish in September. Where did everyone get their start? They seem to be very hard to find. I stated a facebook page for them but can't find a good picture of one, does anyone have a nice picture they would be willing to let me use for my page? Thanks.
FD I don't think I can cull anything at this point. You've got me started I think next spring it will be a numbers thing. I don't know what the sex split will be. Right now 3 of the 2nd batch have hatched for a total of 9. I don't know how the rest of the hatch will progress. I've kept Humidity at 54% and temp at 100. Still have the mechanical thermometers so I figured I'd bump the temp a little. If the sex split give me two to three pair I believe I'll be in business. :) There have been more than a few breeds brought back from way less. If I'm understanding the breeding program correctly I should have more than enough diversity. I say this with a dose of salt.lol my luck here lately would be all male or female. :)
I am getting some White Cornish in September. Where did everyone get their start? They seem to be very hard to find. I stated a facebook page for them but can't find a good picture of one, does anyone have a nice picture they would be willing to let me use for my page? Thanks.

Click this. I got started by an individual on the link and from FD Had it not been for him I would have not been able to set up a good breeding program.
If you leave that chick in question with the others. It will be unidentifiable in 6 weeks or less unless you mark it someway. The only reason I cull them is it just feels like a defect. That and I hatch a truck load of chicks! I put them in a meat pen and they look as good as any of the other pens after a few weeks....

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