White Crested Polish Bantams and Crested Cream Legbars for sale

The Legbar gets to be 4-5 pounds. They lay blue eggs. Pretty. The Polish are Bantams. 1-2 pounds. I have a Leghorn Rooster who crows LOUD! The others won't crow as loud if at all because he is bigger and thinks he is the boss.
Still interested?
I wish but I don't think so. I think the polish will be too small and I have a few chickens that don't mind putting the others in their place. Also, I don't want to deal with loud roosters if there is a chance they are roosters. Sorry :( Good luck!
I actually have white created Polish bantams and Silkies hatching in 2 days. Seramas and Ayam Cemani hatching in a few weeks

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