White egg from a brown egg layer?


Flock Master
11 Years
Jan 10, 2013
These are the eggs I collected today:

I have Buff Orpington and Barred Rock 2 yo hens. There eggs have always been a light pink = brown. Today, one laid a white egg. It is a shade above pure white, but definitely white.

Any opines on why? Should I be concerned about anemia? They are all apparently healthy, eating, drinking, dust bathing and attentive and don't look ill. There's been no changes in their diet or environment, except one BO was broody for less than 2 weeks and got over the broody mood 2 weeks ago. Other than pigment the shell looks normal.
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These are the eggs collected today, for some reason it would not show in the OP.

The photo shows up in my profile embedded, but doesn't show up here. Don't know why.

But now it did?? Really strange!
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My orps lay very very light eggs occasionally as well. I would love to know if there was a cause to this!

Mine have layed light pink eggs but never white with no pigment. The Learning Center article by Sumi and a University study both suggest stress as the cause.

Guess I'll have to investigate further if I see any more.
No more white eggs, for sure it was just a post-broody traumatic stress issue.

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