White egg yolk?

My wife just found a white yolk.I think it is from one of the newer hens(pullets). They are black sexlinks.Not much about this on the web.Are they safe to eat?
This sight has the most info.on this .
Great site for new chicken owners.
this is very interesting. are you certain it is the yolk? could it possible be tissue. what happens is a price of tissue breaks free and the body treats it as if it were an egg. it goes through the rest of the egg making process this is why it will have egg white and shell surrounding it. the hens body treated it as a egg and finished the process of making an egg around the matter. this is my guess on what happened here. hope this helps. best wishes
I found this eight year old post in searching for an answer to our discovery. Experiencing what appears to be the same thing. It certainly seems to a very small 3/4 inch soft shell with a clear gelatinous substance inside. Looks just like what is posted here. Hen is maybe a three year old Cochin on the small side. Never was a good layer but her mother was and is still with us. Not laying but a nine year old sweetheart.
It's a fairy egg inside another egg.
Fairy egg probably backed up, got more albumen and membrane, then fully shelled.

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