White faced black Spanish enthusiasts, come hither!

Sandhill was offering Ron Nelson line White Faced White Spanish , but removed them from available list this year( 2012).

Aw that's a bummer. Wonder why. I haven't kept up with their blog or updates. Are they getting out of the breed or just taking some time to build up their own stock, do you know?
I have no idea what the situation is. Tried to add them to my orders a couple of times but they were unable to supply them at the time. This year I read on their website and catalog that the breed was ubavailable for 2012. That is as much as I know.
I'm currently watching a few WFBS eggs hatch in the incubator. I seen that Sandhill has updated there page and they have WFWS for $10 a chick with an order limit of 5.
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Cleaned out the brooder this morning and moved all the chicks to the brooder box. I ended up with a total of 16 spanish chicks. Now the waiting begins to see how they develop and feather and who is a roo and who is a hen.

Granted that I have never worked with the Spanish before but I have been working with chickens for 41 years and just have learned over the years to see different signs at hatch. Most of these had an uneven feather pattern in the wing at hatch which is a pretty good indicator they are pullets. Typically within two to three weeks one can tell sex by the shape of the body, the males will have larger abdomens than will the females in most all breeds which causes them to have a heavier blocky appearance than the females.
I have also worked in commercial hatcheries for several years and learned to feather sex chicks at hatch but this only works if they have the rapid feathering gene.


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